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What are the different types of double locking seat sliders on the market?
 Aug 09, 2023|View:512

The double locking seat slider is a highly versatile and reliable seat sliding mechanism that offers enhanced stability and safety. Its dual locking feature ensures that the seat remains securely fixed during use, making it a preferred choice in various industries. This article will delve into the different types of double locking seat sliders available in the market, their applications, and precautions to consider when cleaning and maintaining them.

1.Types of Double Locking Seat Sliders

Steel Seat Sliders:

Steel seat sliders are renowned for their strength and durability, making them ideal for heavy-duty seats and applications that require superior stability. They are commonly used in construction vehicles, industrial machinery, and stadium seating systems. The robust nature of steel seat sliders ensures reliable performance in demanding environments.

Aluminum Alloy Seat Sliders:

Aluminum alloy seat sliders are known for their lightweight properties and excellent resistance to corrosion. These sliders find extensive applications in the aerospace industry, where weight reduction is crucial. Additionally, they are preferred in high-end automotive seating systems, providing a balance between strength, weight, and longevity.

Plastic Seat Sliders:

Plastic seat sliders offer a cost-effective solution with good resistance to moisture and chemicals. They are commonly used in mass-produced seating systems, such as office furniture and public transportation. Plastic seat sliders are lightweight and easy to install, making them popular choices for applications that prioritize affordability and convenience.

double locking seat slider

2.Materials Cleaned and Purified

When it comes to cleaning and maintaining double locking seat sliders, it is essential to consider the materials involved. Here are some key points to remember:

Lubrication: Double locking seat sliders often have moving parts that require proper lubrication for smooth operation. Regularly lubricating the sliders with appropriate lubricants will help prevent friction, wear, and noise.

Metal Components: Metal parts of double locking seat sliders can be cleaned using appropriate metal cleaners or mild soapy water. However, it is essential to dry them thoroughly to prevent corrosion or rusting.

double locking seat slider


The market offers a variety of double locking seat sliders to cater to different needs and applications. Steel seat sliders excel in heavy-duty settings, while aluminum alloy sliders offer lightweight options for aerospace and automotive industries. Plastic sliders provide cost-effective solutions for various seating systems. When cleaning and maintaining double locking seat sliders, it is crucial to follow manufacturer guidelines, pay attention to lubrication, and use suitable cleaning products for different materials.

For customized double locking seat sliders that meet your specific requirements, feel free to contact us. We strive to provide reliable and innovative seating solutions for a wide range of industries and applications.